Your web browser is the vehicle that carries you around the Internet to your desired websites. As such, it knows precisely what sites you have visited, how long you spent browsing them, and what you clicked on (or almost clicked on). Anyone who has access to your web browser can have a window into your income, your political leanings, and even your sexual preferences.

  • 3 Safari Browser. Safari offers some protection compared to Chrome and Edge, but it is still not a good choice for privacy. Safari blocks third party cookies by default and also has some protection against cross-site tracking. While these are both useful tools, they do not make Safari a safe private browser.
  • Safari is the default browser that comes preinstalled on Apple devices, including both MacOS laptops and home computers, along with its smartphones in the iPhone range. It has all the basic features that you’d expect from a web browser and will do a serviceable job if you’re a casual user.
  • Safari comes pre-installed on your Mac, but you might find that there are certain websites, forms, or services that just don’t work as intended on Apple’s browser. Sometimes developers test more extensively on competing browsers, and so, for the best experience, you may have to switch.

The browser has seen constant improvement over the years and the current iteration (Safari 13) is fast and loaded with features. Safari 13 arrived on Macs in September 2019.

This is why it’s so important to only use browsers you know will protect and improve your internet privacy. In this article, we explain how browsers capture so much information and which web browsers in 2019 are best at keeping your browsing history safe from data-hungry tech companies and advertisers
Further reading:Easy steps to improve your internet privacy

How you are tracked online

Before examining the impact your browser can have on your privacy, you need to understand how your online activity is monitored.

While having a company directly record your browsing history is a risk (see Google Chrome), the more common threats to your privacy come from online advertisers and third-party trackers. Similar to Google, advertisers and trackers want to record as much of your online browsing as possible. The more data they have, the better they can show you ads specifically tailored to you. The two tools they use to follow you around the Internet are device fingerprinting and cookies.

  • Device fingerprinting is when a site looks at all the characteristics of your device (the make and model of your device, what browser you are using, what plugins you have installed, what timezone you are in, etc.) until it has enough information to identify and follow it. Your device share this information to optimize the websites you visit. For example, websites want to know if you’re using a laptop or a smartphone so that it can select the correct font size and screen resolution. This can be surprisingly accurate. To see if your device has an easily identifiable fingerprint, check out the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Panopticlick.
  • Cookies, or HTTP cookies, are tiny data packets that websites or services plant on your browser while you’re on a website. These cookies differentiate your browsers from others, like a nametag.

The privacy risks of Chrome

Any discussion of privacy and Web browsers must begin with Google Chrome. It is, by far, the most popular Web browser. Chrome handles over 60 percent of web traffic. This is unfortunate because Google uses Chrome as a window to peer into every action you take online. Unless you modify your Google privacy settings, Chrome records every site you visit so Google can serve you targeted ads.

Even worse, Chrome does very little to block other advertisers and trackers from monitoring you with cookies or device fingerprinting. A Washington Post article reported Chrome gathers roughly 11,000 trackers in an average week. Do you want 11,000 pairs of eyes on you every time you do an Internet search?

However, you do not need to give away your personal data to access the Internet.

There are Internet browsers that do not record your every action and protect you from trackers. Switching from Chrome to one of the following browsers can drastically reduce the amount of data you are inadvertently sharing as you browse the Internet.

Further reading: Gmail’s privacy problem and why it matters

Best secure and privacy-first web browsers:

1. (tie) Brave

The Brave browser was designed to make privacy simple enough for everyone. It is an open source browser built on top of Chromium (an open source version of the Chrome browser), which means it’s easy for Chrome users to make the switch.
However, unlike Chrome, Brave does not collect any data about your online activity. Your data remains private and on your device.

Brave also makes blocking trackers easy. Instead of forcing users to decide which plugins and browser extensions they should download, Brave comes fully equipped. It automatically blocks all third-party and advertising cookies, and because HTTPS Everywhere is built-in, it ensures all your connections are securely HTTPS encrypted. Brave also features Fingerprinting Protection in the browser.

The company also has a social mission: to encourage websites not to rely on advertising based on tracking you around the Internet. Brave has introduced a system that allows you to reward creators and sites you visit directly.

Called Brave Rewards, it uses a utility token called a Basic Attention Token and enables you to anonymously reward the websites you visit most. Brave also has opt-in, privacy-preserving Brave Ads, and users who choose to view them earn 70% of the ad revenue, which they can then use to reward their favorite online creators.

Brave is available for desktop, Android, and iOS.

1. (tie) Firefox

The open source Firefox is the third-most-popular browser on the Internet, behind Google’s Chrome and Apple’s Safari. Developed by Mozilla, the Firefox team has improved the browser’s privacy protections in recent years.
They have introduced advanced anti-fingerprinting and Enhanced Tracking Protection features this year, both of which make it much more difficult for third-party trackers to follow you around the Internet.


Unlike Brave, the standard Firefox does not automatically block advertisements. However, there are numerous browser extensions that you can download that will prevent advertisers from getting your information or showing you ads.

Or, if you primarily browse the Internet on your mobile device, Firefox Focus incorporates automatic ad blocking. (Focus was developed as an ad blocker for Safari, but was then transformed into a minimalistic privacy browser for Android users.)

Firefox is available for desktop, Android, and iOS.

3. Tor browser

As we have discussed elsewhere, Tor is the best option if privacy is your utmost concern. The Tor browser is based on Firefox, but it has been stripped down and specially calibrated to run on the Tor network.

When you use Tor, your traffic is encrypted three times and bounced between three Tor servers before it reaches your desired website. The encryption is handled in such a way that each server only has access to one set of instructions, so no server has access to both your IP address and the website you are visiting.

This setup makes it impossible for Tor to keep any records about your online activity, and every time you close your session, the browser deletes your cookie cache and browsing history. The browser itself is formatted to prevent fingerprinting, and it blocks all kinds of trackers.

Unfortunately, it also blocks a lot of plugins that websites rely on. For example, with its privacy settings fully activated, the Tor browser will block JavaScript. JavaScript can expose user information, but blocking it can make websites unusable. Using Tor can also mean performing endless CAPTCHA verifications when you try to access larger sites. Finally, the Tor browser is slower than other browsers because of the extra encryption.

Download the Tor browser app for desktop and Android, as well as a Tor-approved open source Onion browser for iOS.

4. DuckDuckGo (honorable mention)

Unlike the other browsers mentioned above, DuckDuckGo does not have a standalone desktop browser, which means it is only a solution if you are browsing the Internet on your smartphone or tablet. With the DuckDuckGo browser, your browsing history never leaves your device. Deleting your entire browsing history is as easy as tapping a single button.

It automatically blocks ads, stops third-party trackers, and ensures HTTPS encryption on all sites where that’s possible. One feature that does set it apart is the Privacy Grade it gives each site. This makes it easy for you to evaluate how much data each website collects from you, with and without DuckDuckGo’s protections, at a single glance.

The DuckDuckGo browser is available for Android and iOS.
You can also use the extension for Chrome and Firefox.

The Web browser you choose can have a dramatic impact on your overall online privacy. By switching to one of the privacy-focused browsers in this article, you can protect your browsing history from the companies and trackers that want to monitor your every digital move.

What’s your favorite web browser? Let us know in the comments below on Twitter or Reddit.

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Which browser is the best? Kim Komando can explain the pros and cons of each. (Getty Images)

Your browser can go a long way in keeping you safe. It’s also vital to stay informed on the latest hacks and scams so you know what to avoid. Tap or click to see fake delivery notices from FedEx, UPS and DLH that are spreading right now.

Creepy people search sites are another reason so much of your info is readily available on the web for anyone to find. Tap or click here to start deleting yourself from these scummy websites.

Now, what browser should you use to do it? I’ll help you find the best combination of security, convenience and design.

The popular choice: Google Chrome

Google Chrome continues to dominate the world of browsers. As of March, Chrome held a dominating 63.77% of market share, according to Statista. The next biggest browser, Safari, comes in at 18.38%.

Chrome is a safe, speedy browser compatible with nearly every website on the internet — and it delivers when it comes to security. Phishing protection is enabled by default and you’ll be informed automatically if a password saved in the browser is used elsewhere — part of a built-in feature called “Password Checkup.”

Chrome ranks high on the convenience factor, too. You can search Google right from the address bar and sign in to Chrome across your devices to get access to your tabs and search history.

Chrome also has extensions for just about anything — from document signing to coupon hunting.

So, what’s the catch? Chrome is a notorious resource hog, and it can drastically slow down your computer if you have too many tabs open. Tap or click here to see how much Chrome slows down your PC.

And the perks of having your Google account connected to your browser can quickly turn into a privacy nightmare. If you’re uncomfortable with your browser knowing your searching and spending behaviors, Chrome may not be the best choice for you.

Feeling curious? Tap or click here to see what else Google knows about you.

The choice for safety: Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla is greatly appreciated by fans and security researchers for its dedication to user privacy.

Firefox automatically blocks third-party cookies by default and has a feature that will automatically notify you if you visit a website that’s been hit by a data breach.

If you hate those ads that follow you around the internet, enable Firefox’s Private Browsing mode. It blocks website tracking, which limits the info advertisers have on you.

When it comes to speed, Firefox uses less CPU than Chrome on average and is capable of loading some websites faster. Firefox has its own library of extensions, too.

But not all users like Firefox’s design and interface, which isn’t as streamlined as Chrome. Still, if you’re looking for speed and safety, Firefox is one of the best options out there.

TECH SMARTS: Get my smart twice weekly newsletter for free. Tap or click here to try The Current, my new ad-free newsletter.

The default choices: Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge

I say “default” because these browsers come bundled with new computers. This saves you the trouble of having to download anything extra, and they’re ready to use right out of the box.

Neither one has glaring drawbacks, but they tend to lack some of the security features and extensions found in browsers like Firefox and Chrome. But performance-wise, both Edge and Safari trounce their competition.

Both are extremely lightweight on your system’s resources. While Chrome can account for more than 50% of CPU usage, Safari can run as low as 5 to 10%. Edge fares even better, running as low as 3 to 5% CPU usage.

How are they so efficient? Both are optimized to work with your computer just like any of the default software.

Honorable mention: Tor Browser

Tor Browser is one of the best anonymous web browsers out there. It’s so reliable, in fact, that people living under repressive governments have used it to break through censorship.

Case in point, you can install the browser on a flash drive and boot it up on any public computer for safe, private browsing.

Tor Browser runs on a modified version of the Firefox platform, so you’ll find many of the features that make Firefox great. It lacks Firefox’s archive of extensions and extras, though.

Tor delivers in terms of privacy. It works by routing your internet traffic through anonymous servers in different parts of the world, which makes it difficult for ad trackers, search engines and even governments to track who you are and what you’re doing.

Best Browser For Safari 5.1.10

On the flip side, this connection method can cause some web pages and file types to not load properly. This isn’t a consistent issue, and it depends on the particular servers your connection is routing through.

Best Browser For Safari

By default, this is a randomized process.

Still, if you’re looking for the safest, most private way to browse the net, Tor might be your go-to. Just don’t expect every website out there to play nice with your browser.

Dishonorable mention: Internet Explorer

Are you reading this article using Internet Explorer? If so, congratulations on your computer making it this far. The software is so old that Microsoft is no longer supporting it, which makes using IE an absolute minefield for malware.

If you’ve ever seen a cringe-worthy image of a web browser covered in “toolbars,” advertisements and pop-ups, it’s probably Internet Explorer.

Both Chrome and Firefox have versions you can download that will work on PCs running Windows 8 or older. If you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and make the switch. You’ll be glad you did.

Which browser is the best overall?

Your decision should really come down to two factors: How much you use the internet and how much you value privacy.

Each of these browsers is solid in their own right, with differences in performance and design. Privacy options for each browser should not be ignored, though.

If you’re looking for the most well-rounded browser, Chrome is a solid choice. Make sure your system is powerful enough to handle its resource demands.

If you care more about safety and privacy, Firefox is your best bet. It also won’t slow your computer down or hog memory from other programs while you browse the web.

If you’re looking to stay anonymous on the internet, Tor gives you many of the benefits of Firefox with some additional layers of protection. But don’t expect every single website on the internet to work exactly the same as on other browsers.

Or stick with the default browsers if you’re not looking for all the extras and endless extensions. Apple’s Safari is still a solid choice on Macs and MacBooks. And the redesigned Edge browser on Windows PC’s is actually useful and pretty secure. Believe me, it’s not the Internet Explorer of the old days.

If you know what you’re looking for, deciding on a browser should be no trouble at all. Keeping yourself safe online, well, that’s another story altogether. Tap or click to see the best websites for scanning your computer for viruses.

BONUS TIP FOR EXTRA KNOW-HOW:How to detect if your iPhone has a virus

Adware and virus-infected malware are everywhere; taking over your computers, smartphones, tablets and just about anything else that can be connected to the internet.

It’s a problem so rampant these days, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re also hiding under your bed or in your closet.

If you’re an Apple user and think you’ve dodged a bullet, think again: Your iPhone is vulnerable to viruses, too. If your phone has been acting up, don’t miss this.

What digital lifestyle questions do you have? Call Kim’s national radio show and tap or click here to find it on your local radio station. You can listen to or watch the Kim Komando Show on your phone, tablet, television or computer. Or tap or click here for Kim’s free podcasts.

Copyright 2020, WestStar Multimedia Entertainment. All rights reserved.

Learn about all the latest technology on The Kim Komando Show, the nation's largest weekend radio talk show. Kim takes calls and dispenses advice on today's digital lifestyle, from smartphones and tablets to online privacy and data hacks. For her daily tips, free newsletters and more, visit her website at